How To Lose weight without Feeling Hungry

How To Lose Weight Without Feeling Hungry

You know the feeling, you've just eaten that lovely low fat, low sugar meal that “must help you lose weight” and five minutes later you feel hungry again. So what do we all do? Eat something else! Sometimes this isn't so healthy because we know that a nice sweet chocolate bar tastes good and because of the energy rush you don't feel so empty a bit longer!

Or are are walking along the street or office corridor and see, that devil incarnate who wants to make you fatter every time! Yes you guessed it The Vending Machine, how can you resist? Vending machines don't often have low fat low salt low every thing to help you lose those pounds, they are usually high fat high sugar food but boy do they taste good!

How do you avoid them?

Try a healthy product that reduces your appetite safely and effectively to help you lose 1-5lbs a week, but still able to eat some of the foods you enjoy. Of course weight loss diets or even better healthier eating is necessary if you really want to lose weight. Sadly there is no miracle weight reduction pill, but there are some products that can really do help you lose your diet breaking hunger cravings.

Losing theses extra cravings will help you lose weight, It's that simple because you don't snack or eat between meals so much.

What is the best product to help you reduce hunger pangs? Hoodia Gordonii is probably the way recommended to reduce that constant feeling of hunger and make it easier for you to drop that surplus body fat. It's known to be safe and has been used for hundreds of years. Unique Hoodia Gordonii is highly recommended if you want to lose 1-5lbs a week.

Friday, 12 February 2010

Weight Loss Pills - The Benefits of Using Them

Weight Loss Pills - The Benefits of Using Them: "Weight Loss Pills - The Benefits of Using Them"

Okay, everyone around you is bending over backwards to get into good shape. They are rearranging their schedules so they can fit in their gym regimen, time for walks and even chalking out the diet plan so they can shed those pounds in a jiffy. You can't help, but envy those people since you fall under the category of people who are either too busy to find time for all these things or people for whom exercises and diets don't work any magic.

Well, the good news is that there are options for you. Weight loss pills are exclusively designed for people like you and me who cannot shed weight through exercises and diet. There are a myriad of benefits that come with the territory when you opt for weight loss pills. Let us take a quick look at what you have in store for you.

Benefit #1: Absolutely painless

I have known people who went to great extremes to shed those extra pounds. They didn't think twice before getting needles pricked all over their body so electric current could be passed though them for the fat to burn. While it did cause them a great amount of pain, not all of them could get the weight off their body. In contrast to that, when you opt for pills that help you lose weight, you can shed pounds painlessly without putting your body through any kind of discomfort.

Benefit #2: Not time consuming

You don't need to spend hours in the gym trying to look fabulous. You don't need to go to swimming pools and fitness classes when you know 24 hours in a day are not enough for you! When it comes to weight loss pills, all you need are a few seconds to pop in the pill along with a gulp of water. These pills can be a real blessing to people in high profile jobs who juggle innumerable activities through the day.

Benefit #3: Affordable

Weight loss pills are the most cost effective options available to lose weight. Even the best weight loss pills in the market today will be cost much lesser than the amount you pay for your gym and dance aerobic classes. There are many people who opt for costlier options like liposuction or bariatric surgery to get excess flab off the body without giving these pills a try. Trying to lose weight with these pills before considering the need for a surgery will help them save thousands of dollars.

Benefit #4: No hard and fast rules

There are no specific set of rules that you need to adhere to while using these pills. You don't have to alter your diet or sleep patterns when you go in for this option. While it is definitely recommended that you lower the intake of fried foods, it is not mandatory. However, do consult your doctor before you start taking them to ensure it will not harm your health in anyway.

If you want to know about weight loss pills and are looking for the best weight loss pills available today, then do visit You will find all the details about these pills and can get a better understanding of how they work.

Diet Made Simple - Eat the Foods the Body Needs and Consider Three Supplements

Diet Made Simple - Eat the Foods the Body Needs and Consider Three Supplements: "Diet Made Simple - Eat the Foods the Body Needs and Consider Three Supplements"

Something that confuses a lot of people is what to eat and what constitutes a healthy diet. This in turn leads many, particularly those wanting to reduce weight into a pattern of trial and tribulation of diets that do not work, frustration and confusion as to what constitutes healthy eating.

As humans we like things to be fairly simple. Even more so today in our often-busy lives, keeping things simple is a big plus. It is some what disappointing then in some respects to see that this year we will get a new set of dietary guidelines. This USA publication comes from the efforts of 13 nutrition scientists who go through truckloads of papers and studies.

They also hold a series of meetings where industry groups and presumably lobbyists can present testimony. The National Fisheries Institute has said people should eat more fish. The Salt Institute argues that salt intake guidelines should be changed. I do not know if the Cattle Industry has made submissions but no prizes for guessing what they may advocate.

Apparently nutrients are discussed one by one and the aim is to come up with "guidelines" which are supposed to allow people to get all their "nutrients" from food without the need for supplements.

What a load of nonsense. How can you possibly have guidelines that apply to all people all the time? The basics of what our body's need has not changed in 10,000 years. We need fruits and vegetables, protein (animal or vegetable) and some grains, nuts and water. A bit of dairy is fine. Those are the basics, simple really.

In an ideal world we would get all our "nutrients" from this. There are assumptions in this, which may not always apply. One is that vegetables have the amounts of minerals that they are supposed to and are not from depleted soils. Another is that in our busy lives we will always eat what we actually need each day.

Also there is the assumption that everybody has the same needs and that those needs even for the same person remain constant. Again this is nonsense. A training athlete has greater needs than one who is not. When you have a virus your needs may be greater. When stressed the same applies.

This is why despite constant disparaging from governments and doctors, supplements remain popular. The term means to make complete or make up for a deficiency. It is not a replacement for eating the fuels the body needs.

The next question becomes what do I need? This will vary from person to person and will be different for the same person at different times. As a very general guide the most universally useful supplements are

1) A whole food supplement such as compressed fruits and vegetables.
2) A fish oil (unless you eat 3 serves of oily fish a week)
3) A good antioxidant.

So keep it simple. Eat real food that has color and till recently was growing or moving around. Use supplements as a top up according to your needs and circumstances.

For great health info you can use to be a better you, sign up for your free newsletter at

Dr Joe's Do it yourself health (DIY Health) is based on the principle that your health is directly influenced by how you live your life. Do not wait to be a victim of disease. Visit my website to get knowledge and tips on ways that you can take charge of your own health today. You will look and feel better.

Dieting and the Yo-Yo Effect

Dieting and the Yo-Yo Effect: "Dieting and the Yo-Yo Effect"

Most people choose a diet from a advertisement or friends recommendation. When this happens most people will fail and the yo-yo effect is ready to get started. You start a diet or start using a dietary supplement and you initially lose 10-15 pounds. What happens after the diet is over?

People will choose diets blindly. They use a friends recommendation, a book they saw advertised or worse a celebrity is hawking a new book or DVD. There are hundreds of diets and and supplements designed to help you lose weight. Which diets do you choose, who do you trust, because you want this to be the last diet you go on. Once you choose the diet and get started the diet yo-yo is just waiting to played with. When you quit the diet because you are tired or bored you will sometimes gradually gain the weight back. It is not uncommon that when you lose some weight and you quit the diet plan you will eventually gain the weight back and sometimes gain more weight than you lost.

The dieters have to realize that when you decide to go on a diet it should be done with some solid scientific data. This way the dieting yo-yo can be thrown out. When you choose a diet plan and it has all the important components for you to lose weight and then keep it off, you have chosen a lifestyle change.

Your body is a creature of habit and if you are overweight your body is waiting for the yo-yo to be taken out and used. If you are overweight this is probably not your first diet and if you do not take the time to learn how to choose a diet you will need to keep the yo-yo at the ready.

When you diet this will be one of the toughest challenges you will face so you need to understand how to choose a diet and what makes a good diet. You need to understand in some respects how your mind forms it habits and how to break them. You will need to be committed and have a comprehensive exercise program to go along with that diet. You need to have goals and rewards set so you do not lose interest in your quest to lose weight.

This will be one of the hardest toys to get rid of. The diet yo-yo will always be ready to used if you are not always vigilant and ready to change your food habits, choose a diet plan that fits your tastes and lifestyle, and have goal and rewards set along with a comprehensive exercise program. Do not be fooled into believing that Dietary Supplements are the magic pill for losing weight because they will get the dieting yo-yo moving.

Learn the truth about Dietary Supplements their uses and abuses. Learn what supplements will work and which ones will not and why. How important is exercise and getting ripped abs. You get both of these reports for FREE. Do not waste time or your money until you read the dietary supplement guide you will be surprised at how well this field is regulated and watched over. Grab this Free report at If you want great ripped abs lean and a smaller stomach this book is for you. Learn from two of the best certified trainers in this 52 page book that tells you how to get flat abs and a lean stomach. Grab both of these free reports about your abs and supplements at

Diet and Exercise and Still Not Losing Weight?

Diet and Exercise and Still Not Losing Weight?: "Diet and Exercise and Still Not Losing Weight?"

You are dieting and exercising regularly but you have hit the proverbial wall. So how come by following your diet and exercising can you not lose weight. This is where your journal comes in handy. First you need to know how long you have been at this plateau. Hopefully it hasn't been long. When someone has this problem their could be as many as five different reasons why you have stopped losing weight. Let's take a look.

The most simple and easiest is your not doing enough exercise or the exercises have become to easy and your body does not have to work as hard as it did when you started. You need to create a calorie deficit and it must be at least 3500 calories for every pound of fat burned. If the exercises become to easy and the body is not working as hard this deficit will decrease and you will lose less weight or none at all.

The second thing that comes to mind is you have increased the amount of calories that you are now eating. You may have done this without realizing this or maybe had some snacks that had more calories than you thought. This is where the journal comes in handy and if you kept honest and detailed records you will discover the problem. The weight loss stoppage could be a combination of both of these happening at the same time. You exercises getting easier and eating a bit more food.

As crazy at it may seem you could have changed when you eat and have eaten after you have done your exercises. If you eat right after you exercise your body will use the food that you just digested and replenish its energy for its muscles and bodily functions. If you wait at least a hour after working out the body will replenish its energy from the stored fat and sugar in the blood rather than from the food you just ate.

Sometimes changes or taking of certain medication will effect your weight loss. Certain medicine will interact with your body to stop weight loss. You could have a medical condition such as menopause, thyroid or adrenal abnormalities that are triggered by your weight loss regimen and now they are interfering with your bodies weight loss. This is something that needs to be checked by your doctor.

Another cause for the stoppage of weight loss is having a medical condition that promotes weight gain. This can also be triggered by something you have eaten the exercising or the chemicals that your body is producing. This again would need to be diagnosed by a doctor. In most cases these last two conditions would be rare in that you should already know about these conditions and should have adjusted your diet.

After looking at your journal if you cannot detect and change in eating, no new medicines or conditions, and you are still working hard at exe4rcising you can have chronic stress. Stress can through the body way of it's path without you realizing it. A study ay Johns Hopkins and a few other have proven that chronically high levels of a chemical called cortisol are produced in when high levels of stress are present. It is not uncommon that high levels of stress can lead to obesity and the build up of belly fat.

Chronic stress is something you need to handle and continue to handle it as it can lead to many other problems and they can all be brought about through obesity. You need to start to manage your stress a variety of disciplines that will handle stress such as meditation and yoga along with laughter which are a few of the best stress relievers you can use.

Learn the truth about Dietary Supplements their uses and abuses. Learn what supplements will work and which ones will not and why. How important is exercise and getting ripped abs. You get both of these reports for FREE. Do not waste time or your money until you read the dietary supplement guide you will be surprised at how well this field is regulated and watched over. Grab this Free report at If you want great ripped abs lean and a smaller stomach this book is for you. Learn from two of the best certified trainers in this 52 page book that tells you how to get flat abs and a lean stomach. Grab both of these free reports about your abs and supplements at

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Lose Weight Without Feeling Hungry!

Lose Weight Without Feeling Hungry!

Are you trying to achieve that Summer Bod? If not you should be because it takes a while to lose real weight without feeling hungry all the time! Or are your just trying to lose weight for your own health? Well whatever your reasons are for losing weight, we all agree that it isn't easy. Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a popular online diet plans and as with any diet plans, many are asking is this plan really effective and can you really lose 9 pounds in 11 days?

Let's start with the claim "Lose 9 pounds in 11 days?" Is that really possible? In essence, it is. It's less than 1 pound a day and with the 3 days you take off from the diet between each cycle it really works out to you losing 9 pounds every two weeks, which is just over a half pound a day. Not Bad! Very achievable.

Now to make this plan work, of course there's the diet aspect of the plan. That's how you lose the weight. Diet. Fat Loss 4 Idiots contains a menu generating software. Now this software creates meals by what the user chooses. You decide what foods you want to eat. Then the software splits the food items into meals, so that they coincide with the calorie shifting method guidelines on which Fat Loss 4 Idiots is based on.

What makes this plan unlike the rest is that it encourages you to eat. No more crashing diets, no more hunger fatigue and no more growling stomachs. You can actually stick with this diet and still feel satisfied. You're tricking your metabolism by speeding up and slowing it down and changing your caloric intake daily. Also you give your body time to rest between dieting cycles. Which make this plan realistic and achievable. And the thousands that have tried this diet plan agrees.

In conclusion, Fat Loss 4 Idiots has all the ingredients to help you lose weight. Whether you lose 9 pounds or 19 pounds, you can lose weight with this diet plan and stick with it. For more information please visit

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How to Lose Weight Without Feeling Hungry, Tired or Deprived

How to Lose Weight Without Feeling Hungry, Tired or Deprived

1. Understand that this is going to take time. You gained weight over a period of time; you must lose it over a period of time. There is no quick solution to losing weight and keeping it off.

2. Take a week to two weeks to determine your current eating patterns. Figure out how many calories you are eating per day to maintain your current weight. Figure out the ratio between carbohydrates, fat, and protein. For instance, what percentage of your daily intake is carbohydrate? What percent is fat? What percent is protein?

3. Once you have determined your current eating patterns or your “set point” to maintain your current level of weight, you can begin to manipulate your intake of calories, carbohydrates, protein, and fat in order to lose weight without feeling deprived.

4. First, try to limit your calories by only 5%. So, if you need to consume 2500 calories to maintain your current weight, try cutting out only 125 calories per day. You won’t lose weight overnight, but you will lose weight over time and you won’t feel hungry, tired or deprived. This needs to be a lifelong commitment, it has to be something you can do every day for the rest of your life. If you try to starve yourself or cut out too much at once, you will eventually fail to keep the weight off. If you do it gradually, you will have a good chance to stick with it and succeed.

5. When you get close to your goal weight you may have to do more than just cut out calories. You may need to increase exercise. You may need to increase your percentage of protein and decrease your percentage of carbohydrates.

For help on making sure you're in the mood to diet read: Why Diets Make You Crabby by Pauline Wallin, Ph.D

The Nutricounter can help you establish your set point and help you monitor your daily intake of calories, carbsArticle Search, protein and fat.

Monday, 8 February 2010

This Is How You Can Lose Weight Without Feeling Hungry

How To Lose Weight Without Feeling Hungry

You know the feeling, you've just eaten that lovely low fat, low sugar meal that “must help you lose weight” and five minutes later you feel hungry again. So what do we all do? Eat something else! Sometimes this isn't so healthy because we know that a nice sweet chocolate bar tastes good and because of the energy rush you don't feel so empty a bit longer!

Or are are walking along the street or office corridor and see, that devil incarnate who wants to make you fatter every time! Yes you guessed it The Vending Machine, how can you resist? Vending machines don't often have low fat low salt low every thing to help you lose those pounds, they are usually high fat high sugar food but boy do they taste good!

How do you avoid them?

Try a healthy product that reduces your appetite safely and effectively to help you lose 1-5lbs a week, but still able to eat some of the foods you enjoy. Of course weight loss diets or even better healthier eating is necessary if you really want to lose weight. Sadly there is no miracle weight reduction pill, but there are some products that can really do help you lose your diet breaking hunger cravings.

Losing theses extra cravings will help you lose weight, It's that simple because you don't snack or eat between meals so much.

What is the best product to help you reduce hunger pangs?

Hoodia Gordonii is probably the way recommended to reduce that constant feeling of hunger and make it easier for you to drop that surplus body fat. It's known to be safe and has been used for hundreds of years. Unique Hoodia Gordonii is highly recommended if you want to lose 1-5lbs a week.